I live in a shared house and on Friday a new housemate moved in. Sadly another really young person but I didn't want to judge too soon. She seems pleasant enough, quite chirpy and full of life which may help the energy of the house, but, last night she got on two bandwagons that really show a person's low level of intelligence and lived experience. These are "I studied..." (meaning they actually paid for the privilege of not having to make the decision on what books to read rather than actual study) and misusing the word "gender" which seemingly is the done thing now.
Let me start with gender. Gender is masculine and feminine. It is unfortunate that they are similar to male and female as they do not mean these. This brings me on to men and women (it doesn't mean these either) which has become open for debate. When a pregnancy has passed a certain stage we can know the sex of a child which is known as a girl or a boy, not male or female. Girl once passed the age which takes you into adulthood (different in various countries) becomes a woman and the same goes for boys becoming men. This has always been known as sex. Now, back to gender. Everything in existence has both masculine and feminine aspects in equal quantities because things like emotions are feminine and thinking is masculine. Everything we do is a balance of the two.
I think the thing that really makes me weep for my own species is that so many people need that confrontation and cannot grasp that we are part of the animal kingdom. What should also be known is that if we should die out (which we will because of this idiotic drive towards absurdity and disruption of the natural order) it will have no negative consequences on the rest of the natural world, actually, it would be positive give how we have been treating it.
I do not live as a perfect being, I do things that cause harm, but I try to hold space for those who think differently. What gets to me is when I am not shown the same respect. I am a factual person and the only times I give my feelings is when I state that they are my feelings.
We should aslo understand that the spoken/written language is made up sounds that we have attached meanings to. Many words have different meanings based on culture and even family dynamics.
We are heading for dark times and quite possibly the end of our existence since we can just understand the basics of procreation. If this is discovered by the next species, probably machine based, please know that we weren't all stupid morons. Best of luck xx
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